Want to sell your product through The Exchange?

Thank you for your interest! We seek diverse applicants, specialty growers, and experienced farms.


Application for the 2026 season open on September 1, 2025 and close on November 1, 2025.
Applicants will be informed of decisions in early December.


Twin Cities Flower Exchange provides the complete infrastructure for wholesale sales, marketing, and management of local, chemical-free floral products. This includes logistics, pricing, merchandising, market staffing, buyer outreach, and order fulfillment. Participating farms deliver their fresh product to The Exchange and we take care of the rest!

How Does it Work?

Selection Criteria

Selling wholesale through a hub requires experience, consistent quality, and higher stem counts.
Farms are selected based on the following requirements and criteria: 

  • At least three seasons of flower farming experience.

  • Chemical-free and sustainable growing practices.

  • Product selection that aligns with buyer demand.

  • Ability to deliver product in wholesale quantities.

  • Commitment to selling at The Exchange as a primary outlet.

SALEs Options

There are three sales options for farms joining Twin Cities Flower Exchange. You may indicate interest in any (or all) of these options when you apply.

Regardless of your preferred option, there is only one application you need to complete.

  1. Full season: regular weekly product deliveries throughout the growing season

  2. On-call: as-needed product deliveries throughout the growing season 

  3. Product-specific: only select product deliveries when seasonally available (i.e. peonies, dahlias)

TCFE has a yearly review timeline that is held closely.

Applications must be received between September 1st and November 1st to be considered for the upcoming growing season (i.e. submit by November 1, 2025 for Spring 2026). Farms will be notified of their acceptance status by early December.

During the main season, March through September, I am only able to answer email inquiries regarding farm applications once a month, so please be patient. Any basic information you need should be available on this page. Specifics will be covered (in detail!) when a farm is accepted.


Applications are due by November 1st, 2025 for consideration for the 2026 season.
Applicants will be notified of acceptance status by December 1st, 2025.
Applications submitted after November 1st, 2025 will be considered for the 2027 season. 
A farm information session will be held on October 9th, 2025.

2025 DATES

Grow a short list of  carefully selected products (by flower type, variety, and color) rather than a little bit of everything. Wholesale variety demands differ from market or bouquet flower demands. i.e. NO sunflowers lol Do your research and get curious about the possibilities.

Grow high quality blooms in high volume (think 300 stems, not 30). 

Find your niche among local flower growers and decide where you want to invest your infrastructure and skills (specialty annuals, perennials, bulbs, etc.)

Choose crops that fit best with your farm needs, infrastructure, and location rather than attempting to do it all. Seed catalogs are so tempting!

What should
i grow?