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october blooms

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Detailed Weekly Listings

Week of September 29
List of available flowers from 2021

Amaranth, Autumn's Touch
Amaranth, Hot Biscuit
Amaranth, Velvet Curtains
Ammi, Dara
Amur Maple
Apple of Peru
Asparagus, foliage
Bachelor's Button, blue
Blackberry Lily
Broom Corn
Calendula, Neon
Celosia, Bombay Firosa
Celosia, Bombay Green
Celosia, Crystal Beauty
Celosia, Flamingo Feather
Celosia, Flamingo Purple
Celosia, Sylphid
Clematis, Polish Spirit
Cockscomb, burgundy
Cockscomb, gold
Cockscomb, persimmon
Cosmos, Cupcakes Blush
Cosmos, Daydream
Cosmos, DC white
Cosmos, foliage
Delphinium, Cliven Beauty
Delphinium, Magic Fountains
Dusty Miller, New Look
Dusty Miller, Silverdust
Echinacea, Cantaloupe
Echinacea, Magnus
Eucalyptus, Polyanthemos
Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar
Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar
Eucalyptus, Silver Drop
Euphorbia, yellow
Feverfew, Campagne

Feverfew, Sunnyball
Foxglove, Camelot Lavender
Foxglove, Dalmation Cream
Foxglove, Dalmation Peach
Foxglove, white
Gladiolas, orange
Gladiolas, purple
Gladiolas, salmon
Gomphrena, bright pink
Gomphrena, orange
Gomphrena, red
Gomphrena, white
Grass, Feather Reed
Grass, Feathertop
Grass, Green Drops
Grass, Prairie Dropseed
Grass, Shenandoah Switchgrass
Grass, Tempest
Hibiscus, Mahogany Splendor
Hydrangea, Limelight
Hydrangea, Quickfire
Japanese Anemone, pink
Japanese Anemone, white
Jewels of Opar
Kale, pink
Kale, purple
Lamb's Ear
Lisianthus, Arena Gold
Lisianthus, blush pink
Lisianthus, Corelli White
Lisianthus, Mariachi Lime Green
Lisianthus, pink
Lisianthus, Roseanne Lime Green
Lisianthus, white
Marigold, lime
Marigold, orange
Marigold, yellow
Millet, Jester

Millet, Purple Mist
Ninebark, burgundy
Ninebark, green/gold
Phlox, Blushing Bride
Pumpkin, Casperita
Raspberry, thornless
Raspberry, wild
Rudbeckia, Cherokee Sunset
Rudbeckia, Cherry Brandy
Rudbeckia, Triloba
Salvia, Rockin' Fuchsia
Scabiosa, Black Knight
Scabiosa, Fata Morgana
Scabiosa, Fire King
Scabiosa, white
Scented Geranium, Orange Fizz
Scented Geranium, Sweet Mimosa
Snakeroot, foliage
Snapdragon, Appleblossom
Snapdragon, Costa Silver
Snapdragon, lavender
Snapdragon, Potomac Orange
Snapdragon, Potomac Pink
Snapdragon, Rocket Bronze
Snapdragon, white
Statice, white
Strawflower, all colors
Sunflower, ProCut Red
Sunflower, Sunrich Orange
Sweet Annie
Verbena, Finese
Zinnia, all colors

Week of October 6
List of available flowers from 2021

Amaranth, Hot Biscuits
Amaranthus, Velvet Curtains
Ammi, Dara
Ammi, Green Mist
Amur Maple
Apple Mint
Apple of Peru
Bachelor's Button, blue
Bronze Fennel
Celosia, Crystal beauty
Celosia, Flamingo Feather purple
Cockscomb, burgundy
Cockscomb, gold
Cockscomb, persimmon
Cosmos, DC White
Cynoglossum, blue
Cynoglossum, pink
Dahlias and so many Dahlias!!!!
Delphinium, Cliven beauty
Delphinium, Magic Fountains
Dusty Miller, Candicans
Dusty Miller, New look
Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar
Eucalyptus, Silver Drop
Eucalyptus, Polyanthemos
Eucalyptus, Lemon

Feverfew, Campagne
Feverfew, Sunny Ball
Foxglove, lavender
Foxglove, peach
Foxglove, rose
Gomphrena, bright pink
Gomphrena, orange
Gomphrena, red
Gomphrena, white
Hibiscus, Mahogany Splendor
Hydrangea, Annabelle, green
Japanese Anemone, pink
Japanese Anemone, white
Jewels of Opar
Kale, pink
Kale, purple
Lisianthus, pink
Lisianthus, white
Marigold, lime
Marigold, orange
Marigold, yellow
Millet, Purple Mist
Ninebark, burgundy
Passionflower vine

Raspberry, thornless
Salvia, Lancelot
Scabiosa, Black Knight
Scabiosa, pink
Scabiosa, white
Scented Geranium, Orange fizz
Scented Geranium, Sweet mimosa
Sedum, Autumn Joy
Sedum, Dark Embers
Snakeroot Foliage
Snapdragons, Appleblossom
Snapdragon, orange
Snapdragon, Potomac lavender
Snapdragon, white
Statice, pink
Statice, purple
Statice, white
Strawflower, pink
Strawflower, yellow
Sweet Annie
Zinnias, assorted

Week of October 13
List of available flowers from 2021

Amaranth, Hot Biscuits
Amaranthus, Velvet Curtains
Ammi, Dara
Ammi, Green Mist
Amur Maple
Apple of Peru
Bachelor's Button, blue
Celosia, Flamingo Feather Purple
Celosia, Sunday Lime
Celosia, Sunday Red
Cockscomb, burgundy
Cockscomb, gold
Cockscomb, persimmon
Cosmos, Cupcake Blush
Cosmos, DC White
Cosmos, DC Pink
Cosmos, Xanthos
Dahlias! Still tons of Dahlias!
Delphinium, Cliven Beauty
Delphinium, Magic Fountains

Dusty Miller, Candicans
Dusty Miller, New Look
Dusty Miller, Silverdust
Eucalyptus, Lemon
Eucalyptus, Polythemus
Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar
Eucalyptus, Silver Drop
Fennel Bronze
Feverfew, Sunny Ball
Foxglove, cream
Foxglove, lavender
Foxglove, peach
Foxglove, rose
Foxglove, white
Gomphrena, bright pink
Gomphrena Fireworks
Gomphrena, orange
Gomphrena, red
Jewels of Opar
Kale, assorted
Lisianthus, apricot

Lisianthus, pink
Marigold, Coco Gold
Marigold, Giant Orange
Ninebark, burgundy
Passionflower vine
Pumpkins of Stick
Salvia, Blue Bedder
Scabiosa, burgundy
Scabiosa, pink
Scabiosa, white
Scented Geranium
Sedum, Autumn Joy
Snapdragons, Appleblossom
Snapdragons, lavender
Snapdragons, orange
Snapdragons, white
Verbena, Bonariensis
Zinnia, Candy Mix
Zinnia, Persian Carpet

Week of October 20
List of available flowers from 2021

Amaranth, Hot Biscuits
Amaranth, Velvet Curtains
Ammi, Dara
Ammi, Green Mist
Ammi, Select White
Amur Maple
Bachelor's Button, blue
Bells of Ireland
Celosia, Flamingo Feather purple
Cockscomb, persimmon
Cosmos, DC mix
Cosmos, Xanthios
Cynoglossum, blue
Cynoglossum, pink
Dusty Miller, Candicans
Dusty Miller, New Look

Ninebark, burgundy
Queen Anne’s Lace
Raspberry, thornless
Scabiosa, Dark Knight
Scabiosa, pink
Scabiosa, white
Scented Geranium, Sweet Mimosa
Sedum, Neon
Snapdragon, Appleblossom
Snapdragon, lavender
Snapdragon, orange
Snapdragon, white
Verbena, Bonariensis

Dusty Miller, Silverdust
Eucalyptus, Lemon
Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar
Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar
Feverfew, Sunny Ball
Foxglove, lavender
Foxglove, peach
Foxglove, rose
Gomphrena, bright pink
Gomphrena Fireworks
Gomphrena, red
Grass, Feathertop
Grass, Purple Fountain
Grass, Red bunny tails
Helenium, Autumn Lollipop
Kale, assorted
Lisianthus, Roseanne Green
Marigold, Giant Orange